The Milwaukee Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society strives to provide a weekly opportunity for its members to experience the joy of ringing barbershop chords in fellowship with their friends, and frequent opportunities to share that joy with others through performance. The chorus meets at 7:30 pm most Tuesdays, click here for more information.

What is barbershop?

Barbershop Harmony is music.

It's music in a very pure form created with nothing but human voices coming together to create a rich and satisfying texture that is pleasing to the ears and invigorating to the soul. We call it four-part a cappella singing. Whether you're an experienced musician or a brand new musician, barbershop levels the playing field and allows you to find your voice and be a part of creating something that is greater than the sum of its parts.

Barbershop Harmony is a way of life

Perfecting this musical art-form takes commitment. When done well, our music reaches audiences on a personal level. You will experience personal growth, build self-confidence and create lasting memories as you work with others to perform for a variety of audiences, from large concerts to intimate Singing Valentines. And the lessons learned in barbershop last a lifetime.

Barbershop Harmony Society’s Vision & Mission

    • Perpetuates and celebrates harmony in the barbershop style
    • Promotes fellowship and friendship among men of good will
    • Provides the opportunity to experience the  joy of four-part a cappella singing
    • Introduces and sustains music in the lives  of people everywhere

Barbershop Harmony is a fraternity.

Men from all over the world and from all walks of life and all ages can come together and share in this truly American art-form and find common ground through self expression in song. The friendships forged through barbershop harmony bridge gaps that no other hobby is capable of doing, and for many devotees, barbershop is far more than a hobby. It's a passion!